
Showing posts from February, 2017

Never underestimate

    Discrimination, just one of the many things that I have experienced throughout my life. It was not because my race, or the way I looked or dress, it was due to the fact that I had autism. The worst part being, that it mainly came from my own family. I had never told any friends of mine (who BTW don't have autism) or any students at my school period, but since my school knows of course, they would always give me a hard time in terms of my so called "disability." In reality, I'm smarter than most of the freshman kids in my school as I came out 22 out of 623 in the class rank. I achieved a 4.0gpa this semester, and no I don't have any special ed classes, they're all regular ed ones. I'm even in a honors class which even then I was still able to achieve an A, and also about five others. In fact, I was the first special ed student to ever make it to that class, as you need quite a few requirements from junior high (intermediate ...