My own loss
"You don't look autistic." "Is there a cure?" "Autistic people suck." I've went through it all, I've witnessed it all. Everyone telling me things, I'm no different than any other autistic individual in this section because I've heard these comments about me a countless amount of times. It's really hard that I have to go through this, because I'm not a adult where people can give me respect. I'm barely a teenager, where I'm looked as the minority and I have no say in literally anything. The worst part is that I've heard these comments when I was way younger, where my childhood was supposed to consist of toys, adventures, and happy days. While the first two were pretty accurate, I never felt extremely happy in my childhood. I didn't understand lots of things in my life, such as why are people saying that I would never be able to be independent, or why I wouldn't be as smart as other kids my age. It was real...