
Showing posts from July, 2018

What look?

    Throughout the many discrimination comments that I have received in the past 14 years or so, their has been lots of comments that I still remember to this day. "He will never succeed", "what causes autism", "autism means retarded, right?" And the comment that I have personally received from my aunts and uncles in which you guys know I hate so much "you don't belong in this world" and "now I know what they mean by autism speaks" (fun fact about me, I don't like autism speaks, I feel like they aren't doing a good job of spreading awareness as they are in making money). Their is one comment in particular though that I have received from many people who have met me, some who are new to the autism community, and others, like regional center workers who have had training experience in the autism community, to my own family. That comment is "you don't look autistic." That comment surely doesn't make me feel mo...

Beyond the fundamentals

    Meltdowns, struggles in communication, and various types of regressions are common among the autism community. Those are the type of areas that people tend to observe the most, since it's very common. However, their are many more traits out there. When I was younger, they only told my mom the main areas of autism, so many 'odd' things that I did that they didn't mention to her seemed like a bad thing to her, and I would be punished as a result. My cousin is in the same boat as well, as his mom would call these smaller traits 'oddities' and would tell him to stop them. I never knew that these uncommon traits were a part of me, so when I finally found out, I was relieved to know that I wasn't being "rude" or "disobedient" or "lazy" (basically any type of discrimination people would bash at someone autistic), it was a part of me. In today's blog, I'm going to disclose some autistic traits of mine that aren't very co...