The boy who cried "lalaloopsy"
For those that don't know, the majority of individuals on the autism spectrum get chained to something for a extremely long time. Might be a sentence, a toy, a show, and they won't stop enjoying that said desire for years! My 5-year obsession was based on trains and Legos, and it wasn't really nothing out of the ordinary. My cousin however, his favorite obsession was based on the now dead franchise Lalaloopsy. It was basically dolls that had buttons for eyes, and a slew of toy sets came out for years. Many people say it's wrong for boys to play with girl toys, and yes, while many people, a couple from my family agree with this statement, I feel it's right for a kids to interact with a wide variety of toys, despite being targeted for different genders. I never made fun of him for playing with a girl targeted toy, and in fact, I even joined him sometimes and played with him. There was someone however, who made so much damage to my cousin without even...